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The  calculator. You can type on the calculator or on the keyboard. Press the spacebar for results.

Tutorial : Let's imagine you have already pressed the following keys: <60>, <x>, <20>. Value displayed on the screen is "20".

Press <=> : Result "120" is shown.

Press <C> : Erase just last entry. Screen show "0" but the previous sequence <60>, <x> is still active.

Press <AC> (All Clear) : Remove last entry and all previous sequence. Only memory M is not cleared.

Press <M⁺> : Add screen value to the content of M. If M was empty then <M⁺> is equivalent to store screen value into M (M=20). Screen don't change while you press <M⁺> or <M⁻>

Now you press <8>. Number "8" appears on the screen.

Press <M⁻> : substract screen value from memory. Last M value was M=20 so <M⁻> store the new value into M (M=12). Keep in mind "20" is still visible on the screen.

Press <MR> (Memory Restore) : Display M content. "12" is now visible on the screen.

Press <MC> (Memory Clear) : Memory is cleared and M=0 or simply empty. "12" remains on the screen.

Press <M⁺> : M is re-initialized with a new value: M=12.

To work out percentages, proceed like this:

<50>, <x>, <10>, <%> is the sequence to work out 10% of 50. The result "5" appears immediately on the screen. It's useless (and false) to press <=> to get the result.

Type on the calculator or on the keyboard.

Press spacebar for the result.

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